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Bhavya Jain

Bhavya (she/her) is an architect and researcher focusing on the relations between the changing climate, socio-ecological networks, infrastructures, and the built environment. Her work focuses on developing alternate systems of building with climate resilience and adaptability in focus. She contributes to the design process with a multi-scalar approach of connecting landscape urbanism, architecture, and materiality while striving to find methods for critical inquiry to seep into the every-day functioning of a practice. Bhavya has a Bachelors in Architecture from CEPT University and is currently pursuing a Masters in Design Studies at Harvard University (Graduate School of Design).

Bhavya’s blog:

Current Roles

  • Research Assistant: Ecological Governance Group, Harvard GSD.

  • Archival Assistant: Special Collections | Frances Loeb Library, Harvard GSD.

  • Co-Chair: Climate in Action at GSD (Student Group)


  • Water Academy for Youth, Global Water Partnership South Asia: Riverscapes and Riverine Ecosystems | 2022

  • Building the Modern World - Keywords, UC Santa Barbara | 2022

  • CEPT Archives Research Fellow | 2021-22

  • MIT India Initiative: Environmental Resilience Track | 2020

Awards and Honours

  • KC Mahindra Merit Scholarship for Higher Studies | 2023

  • UNDP and FAO SCALA-Hackathon 2023: Semifinalist, top 8/75: proposed an agricultural data management and educational tool for the Gov. of Nepal  in a multi-disciplinary team of four.

  • Distinguished Student Award 2021 | CEPT University: for graduating with the best academic and co-curricular performance.

Presentations and Publications

  • Bhavya Jain, Kartikeya Shodhan. “One Is to One: Stories, Practice, and Collaboration of Kamal Mangaldas and Devendra Shah.” Edited by Pooja Suresh (Ahmedabad: CEPT Archives, 2022), Archival Catalog.

  • ‘Age Old Futures’, Design Research Forum, Harvard GSD | 2024 [Talk]

  • ‘Home on the move: Rethinking Architecture with Nomadic Pastoralists’, FnC Compartment S4, with Gauri Bharat and Priyanka Kanhare | 2023 [Presentation]

  • ‘On Navigating the Archives’ - CEPT Archives Talk Series | 2022 [Panellist]

  • ‘Where do we Stand?’ Kurula Varkey Design Forum | 2021 [Moderator]

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